Audrey Lorber, a high school young lady in Russia to enjoy the get-away with her family, was viewed as blameworthy and fined for having maryjane with her. Her name has been surfacing on the Internet for clear reasons. Peruse more to find out.

Who Is Audrey Lorber? The Story Of A Then 19-Year-Old Girl Arrested In Russia. Audrey Lorber is a white American lady tracked down in Russia with 19 grams of cannabis. The occurrence is from 2019, and following Brittney Griner’s condemning, Audrey’s case was exposed once more.

Lorber was 19 then, at that point, and sentenced for sneaking 19 grams of THC while she was in Russia on a family get-away. The young lady was condemned to around two months in a Russian jail. In addition, she was fined 15,000 rubbles, making it approximately 375 US dollars.

Beforehand, The New York Post affirmed the fresh insight about Audrey being at legitimate fault for “endeavoring to import maryjane bought in the US into Russia.”

The entire world has defied Russia for its regulation as Brittney Griner, the WNBA competitor, was condemned to nine years in jail by an appointed authority on August 4, 2022. She was likewise requested to pay a fine of very nearly 16,400 US dollars (1,000,000 rubbles). The sum is almost multiple times higher than Lorber’s in 2019.

One of the clients on Twitter expressed her anxiety: “Everyone discussing the law in Russia and the law is the law, yet LITERALLY in 2019, Audrey Lorber was captured for THE EXACT SAME THING, and she had 19 grams! 19! Think about what her sentence was?!?! A month in a detainment community and was fined $235, and she was given up!.”

Audrey Lorber Wikipedia And Net Worth Audrey Lorber is from Staten Island. She is a Tottenville High School graduate. At this point, there are no insights about her total assets. Similarly, Lorber has not been dynamic on Instagram since her capture.

In 2019, court authorities let CBS News know that she would be expected to remain in St. Petersburg for ten days prior to heading home. During that period, Lorber or the public authority reserved the privilege to pursue the decision.

Audrey Lorber Jail Timeline – What Is Her Age? Audrey Lorber is 22 years of age. She was a Pace University film understudy when Russian specialists kept her in 2019. Lorber was captured at Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg in the wake of finding she had 19 grams of maryjane. The case was taken care of by the Moscow District Court of St. Petersburg.

At the point when Lorber was kept for the situation, she and her mom, a resigned New York City teacher, Rochelle Lorber, were holiday in Eastern Europe.

Audrey created court records to show that she had a clinical pot remedy from the US. In any case, the neighborhood specialists asserted that the remedy didn’t “have any significant bearing to the region of the Russian Federation.”

— C-Dot 📸 (@cdotvisuals) August 4, 2022

A comparative case was featured in the result of Audrey’s delivery. In 2021, a 61-year-old educator named Marc Fogel was halted at the Moscow air terminal. Fogel had 17 grams of cannabis with him, which he was conveying for wellbeing purposes (to treat his persistent back aggravation).

Marc was viewed as at legitimate fault for drug ownership, and for this, he got a 14-year sentence in a Russian high-security jail settlement. Since that day, August 14, 2021, his family has not known about him, and they have been requesting help from the US government.

While the case is definitively like that of Audrey, and Marc Fogel is now a senior resident, individuals were irate about the one-sided law of the country.