In Netflix’s new narrative White Hot, Abercrombie and Fitch representatives uncover the grievous bigotry and separation they looked while working there.

Also, Dr. Anthony Ocampo was one of the individuals who was exposed to bigoted demonstrations, and the narrative uncovered Abercrombie and Fitch’s downfall.

The film highlights interviews with offended parties Jennifer Sheahan, Dr. Anthony Ocampo, and Carla Barrientos.

Furthermore, it was one of the essential drivers of the fall, with individuals anxious to dive more deeply into Dr. Anthony Ocampo.

Who Is Dr. Anthony Ocampo From Abercrombie and Fitch? His Wikipedia Bio Dr. Anthony Ocampo is an author and Ph.D. researcher situated in Los Angeles, California.

He has composed two books, one of which is about gay men of variety from worker families, and has explored migration and race issues.

Beside that, Anthony is a human science academic partner at Cal Poly Pomona in California.

Anthony was additionally highlighted in the Netflix narrative and has given interviews about how he was treated in the organization.

He was the previous worker who shared his involvement with the style brand, Abercrombie and Fitch.

As indicated by the show, he was informed he was unable to be recruited on the grounds that the store previously utilized such a large number of Filipinos. In any case, he never uncovered to them that he was Filipino.

Anthony, Carla, and Jennifer were named in a racial and sex separation claim recorded by a few other minority representatives against Abercrombie and Fitch in June 2003.

Notwithstanding the lawful expenses, the organization was requested to pay the offended parties a $40 million settlement.

Abercrombie and Fitch consented to utilize variety scouts after that. It was likewise mentioned that the enrollment cycle, which fundamentally designated white crews and sororities, be changed.

Dr. Anthony Ocampo Net Worth In 2022 Discussing Dr. Anthony Ocampo’s total assets in 2022, it is assessed to be around $100,000 – $500,000.

For the present, Dr. Anthony Ocampo is as yet attempting to assist with saving the privileges of various individuals from various races and networks.

He additionally has a site to look for help on the off chance that anybody finds to do as such.

Also, from their works and his experience, he has acquired a lot of total assets, which uncovered that he is as yet a man with large number of dollars in his resources.

Anthony is additionally granted many honors like Asia/Asian America (2014), Sexualities (2013), Latin@ Sociology (2011), International Migration (2011), and Racial and Ethnic Minorities (Runner-up, 2011)

Despite the fact that Anthony is a popular media character, he has kept his own life out of the span of the media and is generally in the approach to aiding individuals.