Overseer of Colombian National Police, Jorge Luis Vargas, expressed that his catch was one more big blow in drug dealing after Dairo Antonio Usuga David got captured.


Subsequent to becoming involved with 2016, Giraldo got captured again in Mexico. We should dive into the way of life and individual subtleties of the medication ruler.

Who Is The Drug Lord Arrested In Mexico? Eduard Giraldo Wikipedia Bio Eduard Giraldo is the notorious medication master known for cocaine managing. He was in the run for right around seven years until his new capture in Mexico.

Giraldo, otherwise called, Boliqueso, is yet to be accessible on the Wikipedia page. He hails from Cali and has been doing tranquilize managing all over.

Also, the New York Court was hunting the medication master for quite a long time until his new catch, one more disaster for the medication dealing world. Likewise, the US specialists featured that he would get arraigned according to regulation for global scheme.

He recently got found out in 2016 in Brazil yet was delivered not long after two years. In 2022, the Colombian police followed his area, alongside US specialists, Mexican and British.

Meet With Eduard Giraldo’s Wife-Look Into World Largest Drug Dealer Family Sadly, Eduard Giraldo’s everyday life has been kept hidden and far off by the media. The public has been worried about his significant other, yet the authority individual data on the medication master is yet to get out.

He is known for displaying his abundance, and there is plausible he partakes in his shower existence with his loved ones. In any case, Eduard having a spouse or youngsters has involved interest as of late.

— Frankfurter Allgemeine (@faznet) April 21, 2022

Ideally, there may be more knowledge into the world’s biggest street pharmacist and his own life. In spite of the fact that he flaunts his riches, he has figured out how to lead a serene private life.

Does Eduard Giraldo Have Connection With Pablo Escobar? Eduard Giraldo and Pablo Escobar are scandalous medication rulers known for dealing unlawful substances. The two of them came from a similar age of medication managing.

Nonetheless, no authority locales have referenced their association. As the two of them work in drug dealing, there is an opportunity of them going over one another.