Neubau is spending time in jail in jail for the second-degree murder of Joseph Hopkins, a sixteen-year-old youngster.

Joseph was found dead on January 31, 2020, inside a withdrew carport in Mapleton; an extra request found that he died from a solitary gunfire twisted to the head.

In any case, He wouldn’t concede he killed it, guaranteeing the shot deflected away from the base and killed Hopkins. However, further examination uncovered various disparities in the narratives told by witnesses and the Neubaum.

Who Is JayLee Neubaum? Mapleton Man Sentenced For Murdering Joseph Hopkins Jaylee Neubau is a sentenced killer who was viewed as at fault for killing sixteen-year-old Joseph Hopkins in 2020. He killed the young person with a 12 check shotgun after incidentally pulling the trigger on the stacked firearm.

He surrendered his privileges following a half year for a situation in which he was accused of ten counts of third-degree sexual maltreatment.

at the point when the episode happened, Jaylee was with Joseph. They were both in the carport, and Jay Lee was playing with the stacked firearm before his dad, Aaron Neubaum.

He subliminally pulled the trigger on the weapon, which took shots at Joseph’s head and killed him quickly. Jay denied killing Joseph, guaranteeing he discharged a shot at the ground, bouncing back and striking Joseph in the head.

Following the homicide case, the lower court condemned him to 50 years in jail.

Joseph Hopkins Obituary Joseph Hopkins’ Obituary has as of late gotten expanded web-based traffic. He was working in a derby vehicle in the carport when Jaylee Neubau shot him. He was just 16 years of age at that point.

The demise, be that as it may, was not incidental. While they were heading to get a stacked weapon from his home as taught (which he in the end pointed at himself), it is basically impossible that this man’s fingers might have pulled back on a dumped siphon activity shotgun without results.

The Hopkins family has been crushed by Joseph Hopkins’ demise, and we ought to all trust their misery will before long be finished.

JayLee Neubaum Parents and Family JayLee Neubaum, an occupant of Mapleton, and his family are the respondents in the claim brought by the group of the late Joseph Hopkin. Hopkins’ killer, Jay, not entirely settled to be liable.

— Mohsin malik (@Mohsinm89050769) July 25, 2022

As indicated by the claim, Jay Lee Neubaum, his mom Crystal Lea Hopkins, his 16-year-old brother, and sister Destiny Roling are being sued for carelessness and loss of consortium, alongside his dad Aron Neubaum, grandma Deborah Jean Neubaum, and Jay Lee Neubaum.

In Deborah Neubaum’s carport on January 31, 2020, Jay Neubaum, Joseph Hopkins, and Jaxon Hopkins were fiddling with weapons and fixing a derby vehicle while sharing Snapchat pictures.

Joseph Hopkins was killed by Jay Neubaum’s reckless treatment of the shotgun. Aron Neubaum’s carelessness in permitting his kid admittance to a stacked, opened firearm while in a situation to control his child’s way of behaving straightforwardly added to Joseph Hopkins’ demise.

Moreover, Deborah Neubaum, the proprietor of the property where the occurrence happened, was reckless in giving her grandson admittance to the gun. Joseph Hopkins’ passing caused his family agony, and they will keep on experiencing because of his misfortune.